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Enabling AArch32 QEMU on AArch64 hardware
This post is an indirect continuation of my earlier entry on using chroot and QEMU, and a rather bizarre issue that came up when trying to run a described steps on an Arm64 Linux machine (or more precisely a Linux VM running on M2 MacBook Pro). So, the developed automation worked simply fine when running on x86 GitHub runner, however I could not get QEMU to emulate 32-bits Arm binaries on the 64-bit Arm machine.
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Using Chroot and QEMU for "cross-compilation"
Before I start, a short disclaimer:
I have not used GitHub Actions before, nor I am a chroot expert, so a better solution to my problem may exist. However, I hope that my personal experience may help anyone trying to start a similar project.
Back to the post. After getting tired of manually building and testing MAMBO — a dynamic binary modification (DBM) system I am the maintainer of — on different architectures, I finally decided to create a simple GitHub Action to do it for me.
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